Dear Michael Vick,

What you did disgusts me. That you only served a couple years in prison is an abomination and a blot on our justice system. But you say you want and deserve a second chance. Here’s a couple of suggestions on  how you can redeem yourself:

1.  First, donate your entire salary for your first year to Best Friends Animal Shelter which took in as many of your damaged dogs as it could and has managed to rehabilitate virtually all of them.You owe them.

2. If you get any endorsement deals, donate that money to start another last chance shelter on the East Coast that will function as Best Friends does — a no-kill facility that either rehabilitates fighting or otherwise abused and aggressive dogs to the point where they can be safely adopted or allows them to live out their lives on site. If you don’t get any endorsements, do this with your second year’s salary.

3. Philadelphia has a really big problem with fighting dogs, particularly in the poorer neighborhoods. It’s usually associated with drug dealing and other illegal activity. You need to go door to door, school to school and tell kids why this is a bad thing. And the reason better not be because you might get caught and end up in jail. It better be about cruelty to animals, desensitization to violence, and downright nastiness. Bring pictures of the dogs you killed and the dogs your friends fought. Talk about bait dogs. Bring information from Best Friends about how damaged the surviving dogs were emotionally. Talk about how people who abuse animals are more likely to abuse children, women, other people and how people who ended up a serial killers often started out being cruel to family pets.

Do these things and maybe you will earn a modicom of redemption. If you don’t expect people from PETA to be joined by people like me in protesting the fact that you were allowed back into a sport with a very public face, whose best players are held up as role models to our youth.


4 thoughts on “Dear Michael Vick,

  1. I don’t know why anyone would do what Michael Vick did. It’s so sad and cruel. And I suspect now that he’s out of jail, he’ll go right back to it with impunity. Isn’t there another way that people can get thrills? I couldn’t agree more with this letter — I hope he decides to use his money for a good cause, and I hope PETA and everyone else track his every move and keep him from contributing to such a sick subculture.

  2. Lisa –
    you have really said it all. Michael Vick is probably someone who shouldn’t even walk the streets let alone someone who’s getting rewarded with a football contract and will make tons of money. I’d have to think that he’s a danger to society, certainly a danger to dogs. And, while I am on it, isn’t football one of the most aggressive sports around. Nice arena for one who is already out of control. Hum…just my opinion.

  3. Though I’m not a dog lover like some, I find what Michael Vick did – and other dog fighters continue to do – to be reprehensible. I think your suggestions for rehab are excellent.

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