Dear CNN and other 24-hour news outlets,

I realize that it’s hard to find new things to talk about all day every day, but I believe you are letting down the public by only showing loud town hall meetings about healthcare held by Democratic members of Congress. How come you haven’t shown any Republican town hall meetings? If there aren’t any there, then isn’t that worth mentioning? And since you are, for the most part, pointing out the misconceptions and outright lies about health reform that are floating around, I wonder why no one has thought to ask any Republican senator or representative why they are not standing up and saying that no, there are no death panels.

The job of a good journalist isn’t just to tell you what is, but to say what isn’t and to ask why and why not. Do your job.


One thought on “Dear CNN and other 24-hour news outlets,

  1. Unfortunately, it has become quite clear to me that the folks who run these channels are not doing their job. They don’t even want comments from viewers. You know what? It is possible to turn off the TV and listen to NPR. That’s what we have done at our house.

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