Someone explain how this happened

Exactly 16 years ago, I was three weeks before my due date at a weekly check with my doctor. I told her that the following Tuesday would be a great day for me to have my child. It would work for out-of-towners coming for the bris (ritual circumcision that Jewish boys undergo at 8 days). She laughed and said it would be at least three weeks before the boy entered the world.

I went into labor the next Monday and brought the little guy pictured below into the world in the wee hours of Tuesday.

sethTinyScaled (2)

He had the hairline and face of an old Jewish man, didn’t he?

So how is it that the little peanut, who came into the world at 5 pounds, 2 ounces, became the young man pictured below?seth june 20 2013

This is him June 20, 2013, having dashed through a rain storm to join me and Mr. Right Now for dinner at one of our favorite Chinese restaurants. He starts his first job next week. He gets to take driver’s training this summer. He’s going to be a Junior in high school come September. It seems unreal that a tiny little thing could grow into a young man whose feet are bigger than anyone elses in the family — immediate or extended.

Mean Lady can’t believe how fast the last nine months have gone since Mean Baby was born; Trainer Ali’s son turns four tomorrow and can’t believe the speed of time. Just wait. Before you know it, Mean Baby will be dating and Trainer Junior will be begging mom for the keys to the car. It’s enough to make your head spin.

Happy birthday, Darling Son. You are a revelation and a joy. Most of the time. And even when you aren’t, I love you.

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