Dear Senate Judiciary Committee,

As you get ready to put Supreme Court Nominee Kagan through her paces, can we concentrate on questions of substance and stay away from the fact that she’s short, drinks beer and is a former smoker? Yes, Thurgood Marshall called her Shorty (about an inch shorter than the average woman of her generation), but that’s not what counts, and you’re not Thurgood Marshall or her boss. Also, don’t harp on the fact that she’s never been a judge: 30% of the court justices haven’t been judges either, and they were nominated by presidents of both parties.

She’s not going to tell you some things, like how she’d rule on abortion cases, so don’t ask her. Send her your questionnaires, be respectful, and talk to her as you would expect to be spoken to should you ever find yourselves on the other side of the committee.

Best regards,


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