Dear Staples*,

You know the ad with the guy who screams about the great deals? It sucks. And it’s no better now that you’ve added that actor Joey Slotnick. It still sucks. So take it off the air, fire the ad agency, and do something different. Okay? Thanks. Lisa *And that crazily bad advertising agency you’re using.

Dear Senate Judiciary Committee,

As you get ready to put Supreme Court Nominee Kagan through her paces, can we concentrate on questions of substance and stay away from the fact that she’s short, drinks beer and is a former smoker? Yes, Thurgood Marshall called her Shorty (about an inch shorter than the average woman of her generation), but that’s…

Dear Will Shortz,

I love doing crossword puzzles. My late grandmother used to do them when I was a small child, always in pen. I’ve never done one NOT in pen. When I was pregnant, I gauged how much my brain had shrunk and when it was back to normal by whether I needed help with the Sunday…

Dear World,

Okay, so not everyone in the world is famous. Still, I wanted to introduce you to a bunch of people who probably would like to be famous. They’re all participating in the third annual Word Count Blogathon, which I mentioned on sister blog Eat, Read and Be Harried a couple days ago. So do everyone…

Dear SEC Employees*,

Don’t watch porn at work on work computers, and don’t store said porn in your desk drawer. Someone always finds out. And if you work for the public, it makes you look like an ass. Lisa * Actually, anyone who has a paying job, since there’s millions of other people who don’t and would love…

Dear Health Insurance Industry,

Perhaps if you want to make a point that you aren’t the evil weenies of healthcare and aren’t gouging your customers — especially the individual policy holders — then maybe you should think of somewhere to have your industry meeting other than the Ritz Carlton. Might I suggest a Holiday Inn near an airport? Just…