What’s good for the woman is good for the caveman

Someone on Facebook had a link to a post at Caveman Circus about what women really mean when they say certain things. It was mildly amusing, and some of it had a ring of truth — a loud sigh is, indeed, a word; sometimes when we say “Fine” we really mean “Are you kidding me? That’s so not fine!”

Still, I think men do the same thing. Here are some examples.

1. “In a minute. “ This means whenever the thing they are watching or playing is over (if you forget), or at the very least comes to a good stopping place.

2. “Sure honey.”  Often said from behind a book, paper, or magazine, this really means he isn’t listening.

3. “I said I’ll do it,” or  “I told you I’ll do it.” When they say this, in an exasperated tone, it means they’ll get around to it eventually, possibly before retirement. One male commentator says there is a related statement, “I did what you asked,” which often means he has forgotten what it was you asked him to do and hasn’t done it.

4. “I’ve got a dinner meeting.”  The dinner meeting? It’s him and his work buddies going out to a local tavern to drink beer.

5. “I’ll be home in an hour.” Related to the above statement, this means he’ll be home after the bar closes, by cab, and will be asleep on the couch out-gassing old beer in the morning.

6. “You’re beautiful.” This is a request for sex.

7. “Want a back rub?” See #6 above.

8. “I’m just going to go read in bed.” A man will utter this when he is drop dead tired but it’s too early to go to bed if one is no longer in elementary school. While he may actually read, it will be no more than a paragraph and more often the same sentence three or four times.

9. “I’m in the bathroom.” This is often shouted to you when a man has been AWOL for a while. It’s a true statement, but he’s most likely reading, taking advantage of the quiet room, the good light, and a comfortable seat.

10. “It’s almost over.” This statement usually refers to some sporting competition on TV that is nowhere near being over. Young men learn this early and use like statements when referring to the place they are in a video game you want them to stop playing so they can take out the garbage or walk the dog.

I know there are others, said by men and women alike. I’ll gladly take additions to what the guys say. Suggestions for the female side of the equation? Go visit Caveman Circus.

7 thoughts on “What’s good for the woman is good for the caveman

  1. Hate to break it to you but this is a “relationship” thing rather than a gender thing. I live with another woman and between the two of us we have said all 10 items on your list (multiple times).
    Thanks for posting.

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