Dear Health Insurance Industry,

Perhaps if you want to make a point that you aren’t the evil weenies of healthcare and aren’t gouging your customers — especially the individual policy holders — then maybe you should think of somewhere to have your industry meeting other than the Ritz Carlton. Might I suggest a Holiday Inn near an airport? Just…

Dear Congress,

As you start your historic — and no doubt childish and hysteria filled — discussions about healthcare reform in conference committee, I’d like to share a story about my insurance company with you. As you read this please keep in mind that I have great insurance. I get better care, more care, with fewer hurdles…

Baseball diaries

I know that baseball is over for the year (*sob*). Until the winter manager meetings, I won’t even bother to read the sports section. For now, my baseball reading will be limited to perusing my cousin Jay’s postings at Futility Infielder and his work at the Baseball Prospectus (note of warning: he’s a Dodgers fan;…