More good reads from the WordCount Blogathon

I’m not in the military — although my step-brother is currently serving on the USS Carl Vinson (at port in Hong Kong after dealing with Osama Bin Laden’s remains) and my nephew was an active duty Marine on 9/11. But I love this blog about being an Army wife: Apple Days Army Nights.

I love pinching pennies and finding cheap ways to do stuff well. These two blogs, Suddenly Frugal and The Pennywise Chick are two more I’ll read regularly. The latter introduced me to The Frugal Free Gal, which will also go on my to-read list. Whether it’s a new way to garden on the cheap, a site that offers coupons I’ll actually use, or a post about whether or not I should really be making those Groupon purchases, I have learned something from every post I’ve read.

Crafty isn’t the first word I’d think of to describe me. Probably not the 10th. Or the 100th. But I appreciate the creative in others, which is why I like Kooky Boutique, who not only makes stuff, but blogs creatively about it. Her letters to wacky shop people, mean old ladies and loud neighbors are hysterical and I wish I had written some of them myself.

I have another batch of blogs to read before the blogathon ends next Monday. I have found about a dozen that I really like, which is great. Now, if only someone would write a blog about how to either clone myself, create more hours in the day, or have the effect of amphetamines without actually having to, you know, take them.

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