Looking wistfully back to last week


We always want what we don’t have, right?

I have long complained about the irrational exuberance of my dog, Ruby. She bunny hops on my toes to say hello, squeaking at an ear splitting pitch. This happens not just when I’ve been away for days, or even hours, but if she saw me two minutes ago, when I left the house to take out the garbage.

She barks — we call it shouting — at every truck, dog, rolling bin, and most neighbors who walk by. I find this an asset when I’m home alone at night or the neighborhood listserv has reported area break-ins. She does this regardless of the hour of day or night. I cancelled my CSA in part because they delivered at 3 a.m. It was noise only my teenager could sleep through.

She’s never calm or quiet. There isn’t a family member or friend she isn’t beside herself to see again. For the first time since this morning. Or yesterday. Or a year ago. Her reaction is the same, regardless.

So it’s very disconcerting these last couple days that my dog is — well, like a normal dog. She isn’t jumping or barking. She was, until today, eating. But she’s been off. If she had continued to eat, I wouldn’t be as worried as I am now, but she’s refusing bananas and apple cores, which are two of her favorite things. As good as cheese.

I’m calling the vet in the morning. I’m hoping it’s as serious as the last time I had to take her in — she sprained her tail from wagging it too hard (not joking). Cross your fingers, think good thoughts, say a prayer: whatever it is you do when someone isn’t well and you want to show solidarity, do that. I want my old irritating dog back.

Update: Ruby probably has an infection in her throat, caused by an abrasion or cut received by eating a stick or something else foreign and forbidden. Her lack of jumping and occasional limping seems to be just her being all tensed up because of the pain in her neck. We’re doing a week of strong antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. If that doesn’t work (and we’ll know in a couple three days if we’re on the right track), we’ll probably look at doing some imaging requiring sedation. But for the time being, they don’t think it’s a mass, just a swelling in her throat. And tonight, she ate homemade chicken and squash stew with quinoa and red rice with a dollop of yogurt. She probably thinks she’s getting a treat.

Thanks for the good thoughts.

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