Dear Mark Zuckerberg,

I just spent an hour going through all my privacy settings on Facebook. At least I think I did. There’s no easy way to tell whether I’m done or not, no easy little setting that I can click on from the start that says, “Hey, just don’t share any of my info with anyone other than my friends unless I tell you to.”

That should be the default. I’m still not clear what other people can find out about me from my Facebook account. And since I know you are aware of how upset people are getting over the privacy issues surrounding your company, I’d think you are planning to do something to make it all a little more user friendly. And by user I mean me, not some hacker in a third world country trying to steal my identity.

So, are you a mensch who’s going to fix this? Or are you a jerk who’s going to make it easy for people to be preyed upon unless they spend the hour going through all the permutations of what is or isn’t allowed to be seen by which groups of people?

Please reaffirm my faith in humanity by being the former.

Thanks in advance.


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