Dear JJ Abrams,

I’ve been a fan of Lost since it started. I used to tell Husband he Really Needed to Watch this Show, but he didn’t believe me. Until this season when he irritatingly got into it and kept asking me question after question about who was who and what meant what. Mostly, I couldn’t answer.

I’m not sure I liked the ending. I think it’s a little bit of a cop-out to make them all end up in some heavenly afterlife together. Except Ben. I could maybe try to think of it as Jack hallucinating that heaven as he dies. That would work better for me. But then you wonder when is he dying? Is it right after the crash — you see that show in the bamboo, so you wonder, and then it gets way to close to “it was all just a dream” and a big rip of of Wizard of Oz.

I have one burning question. At the end of the first season, there was a scene where everything got close to flashing and a plan was going to come down and someone tried to call someone in an igloo or in the North Pole to warn them and people dressed up in cold weather gear did something and it was all fine again. I don’t believe I dreamed that scene, but it was a one-off. The people in the igloo (that’s how I remember it) were never seen again (although I think one of the actresses, an Asian woman, looked familiar enough that I would have thought her character would have merited something further). What was that all about?

All in all, though, great television. Great characters, great writing, compulsive viewing. Someone will remake it in 20 years and all these retired geezers will be telling their grandkids how crappy the new one is compared to the old one. And really, as a writer and creator, what more can you ask for than for someone to imitate your work and still have people think you did it best?

Thanks for the good hours. When you get a minute, tell me what that igloo thing was all about.


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