The Continuing Adventures of Landguppy Productions

Brought to this week by Sucuri, for when you don’t want to see what your mobile device wants to show you

[Voiceover]: Previously on Landguppy Productions — Our intrepid leader found herself overwhelmed for months with family traumas and the business of serious writing and thus several months have passed since she has been able to update her surroundings.

Finally, spurred by the annual Freelance Success/Wordcount Blogathon, the Word Princess began crafting with words. On Sunday, she wrote about why she hadn’t written; on Monday, she told her subjects about her favorite words from her latest book. Tuesday was all about Her Highness’s coming birthday, the party, and its associated charity book drive for Treehouse.

Then Wednesday the Russians invaded. It turns out they had been poised on the border of Landguppy Productions for some time, but because Fearless Leader hadn’t been creative in this particular space, she didn’t know they had done anything more than imprison Pussy Riot and annex Crimea. It turns out they were also hacking websites with a malicious redirect bug. It leads users of mobile devices trying to get to Landguppy Productions or other infected sites to porn sites — sometimes others, but mostly porn. Really awful porn that hurts your eyes and injures your soul.

Although Landguppy’s usual security detachment is away in Austria eating cake, others came to help: Queen Elizabeth of Tech For Luddites gave valued advice (and blogged about it here) and Sucuri had the site cleaned and back up and running in six hours, with a promise of continued monitoring for the next year, all for a very reasonable price.

Prince Ritenuf is unsure I did the right thing, and there has been slight discord between the lovers over the tack taken to repel the evil Russian invaders. But the Princess of Words, being the ruler of this queendom, doesn’t care that she spent $90 for a year of serenity, security, and sangfroid. It is totally worth it.

Now that we’ve caught you up, join us tomorrow for another installment of Landguppy Productions, this time without Russian invaders, and viewable from any device of your choice.




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