I’ve been hacked

I’ve spent much of the last 24 hours trying to undo what the Russians have done. For many people who have tried to access my website with a mobile device, they have been surprised with porn that’s impossible to unsee. Tasteless. Not erotic at all. Icky. The particular hack is pretty well known. Sucuri, a…

Coming up: The next 50 years

I turn 50 in nine days. Today, I got the card pictured below in the mail. I know other people who, on the verge of hitting the half century mark, also got their invitation to join AARP. I don’t know what database they bought to know that I am about to turn 50 — or…

Excuses Excuses

Like many people who have a blog, I started off with the intention of writing regularly. Like many bloggers, life and intentions collide and I have found myself, at times, slacking off. Happily, there is the annual Freelance Success/Word Count Blogathon to get me back on track. Usually, though, I don’t go seven months without…

Whose faith wins?

I understand that people of some faiths have problems with issues like marriage equality and abortion. I understand that those people may have the strongest belief that their faith is the one true faith, and that people who are gay are going against God’s law, that people who have abortions are killing a human being….