Warm up with Sorrel Soup

  Sorrel is a lemony perennial leafy herb. It grows easily and is hard to kill. There are variagated varieties that are pretty, but are tough and don’t taste as nice as the French culinary variety. It’s worth growing, especially if you like this soup, because you can’t usually find it in large enough quantities…

The Easy Way to Make Cassoulet

I love cassoulet, a French stew that traditionally includes beans, sausage, chicken or duck and pork. But the traditional variety includes ingredients I wouldn’t use in everyday cooking (like duck and other fatty cuts of meat) and can take a long time to make — days for some recipes. I saw one recipe on line…

Soup? In this weather?

We have been teased here in the great Northwest with glimpses of spring, only to be surprised by a sudden snow shower and/or lower than average temperatures. So it’s still soup season here. And there are some soups that are best in spring, when the ingredients are at their peak — think fresh pea and…