Shout louder and they might hear you

Like a lot of people disgusted by the Wesboro Baptis “Church” — I won’t link to them, but rather to the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center pages about the hate group — I signed the petition at the White House website to make that reprehensible organization a hate group. All petitions at the…

Questions I Want to Ask Politicians

I have always taken my role as a journalist seriously. I try to maintain objectivity, seek and report information from both sides of a given issue, and request actual answers to my questions. It drives me crazy to see the top tier journalists in this country ask questions of politicians that dance around the issues….

Is this who we are?

Washington State passed a two year budget the other day. It cuts funding for medical services for the poor and plugs budget gaps with a 1.9 percent cut in teachers’ pay. Other school personnel will lose 3 percent of their paychecks. For the life of me, I cannot understand that this is who we have…

Dear Sarah Palin,

As much as I think it would be hysterical to watch Jon Stewart during any campaign for president you launched, I think you need to find some people who aren’t always agreeing with you to talk to you about such an endeavor. I think you would be spending money — yours and other people’s —…