An addendum to the Dog Pile

I was shelving the books I wrote about in part I of my latest dog pile book reviews and I came upon a cornered page in the very back of my copy of My Dog Tulip by JR Ackerley.  The quote says everything about what is wrong with the way dogs were so often kept…

Four things I learned today

Maybe there were more than four things, but these stood out: 1. The design isn’t intelligent if the parts wear out before the productive life of the unit is over. Teeth were not meant for a life of 80 or 90 years, and dentists make a living off this fact. 2. It’s not fun getting…

Short, Sweet, and True

The smartest thing I’ve heard recently is a line from In Plain Sight. Everything counts. Everything you say, everything you think, and especially, everything you do. It all counts. Sometimes, the truth hurts, doesn’t it? Sometimes, it can give you a new sense of purpose. I’m hoping it’s the latter for that statement, even if…