Shout louder and they might hear you

Like a lot of people disgusted by the Wesboro Baptis “Church” — I won’t link to them, but rather to the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center pages about the hate group — I signed the petition at the White House website to make that reprehensible organization a hate group. All petitions at the…

Dear SEC Employees*,

Don’t watch porn at work on work computers, and don’t store said porn in your desk drawer. Someone always finds out. And if you work for the public, it makes you look like an ass. Lisa * Actually, anyone who has a paying job, since there’s millions of other people who don’t and would love…

Dear Congress,

As you start your historic — and no doubt childish and hysteria filled — discussions about healthcare reform in conference committee, I’d like to share a story about my insurance company with you. As you read this please keep in mind that I have great insurance. I get better care, more care, with fewer hurdles…

PS: Dear Gov. Sanford,

Please switch “Appalachian Trail” to “Argentina” in the letter below, and any reference to “what” you were doing to “who” you were doing. I don’t care if you had an affair — that’s something for your wife, your children, a good counselor, and a lawyer with very sharp teeth to handle. But I’m still interested…

Dear Everyone In Israel and Gaza,

Please just stop it. What you’re doing isn’t working. For sixty years you’ve both been fighting for your existence. Just agree you both deserve to exist and move on. Peace leads to longer lives, happier children, and more money to spend on devices like iPods. Peace gives the space for energy to be devoted to…