Shout louder and they might hear you

Like a lot of people disgusted by the Wesboro Baptis “Church” — I won’t link to them, but rather to the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center pages about the hate group — I signed the petition at the White House website to make that reprehensible organization a hate group. All petitions at the…

Dear Rush Limbaugh,

I’m no fan of Dick Cheney. But here’s something I’ll give him: for all that he dislikes the policies of the present administration and worries about the future of this country, he would never wish ill on it. He would never hope that more people would become unemployed or lose their homes; that more soldiers…

Dear Bill O’Reilly,

Regarding the atheist poster at the Washington State Capitol: First, do you believe in free speech? Because if you do, then you have to admit that whether you agree with that speech or not, you have to allow it. Second, is an elected official who is upholding the law of the land really a moron?…