Kitchen Basics

Every kitchen needs a few things. Here’s what you need to make sure you have to cook just about everything:

  • 2 pots – one large, one medium. The large one is for things like soups and stews. The small one is for things like small quantities of pasta. If you feel like splurging, make the soup/stew pot (say 5 quarts or so) something that can go into the oven, too. That means cast iron, enameled – a brand like Le Cruset, which costs a lot, but will last you forever. I waited until I turned 42 to get one. Don’t wait that long.
  • 2 frying/sauté pans – one large, one small. Make one of these a cast iron skillet. If nothing else, you will keep your arms in shape trying to lift it. But it can go into the oven and develops a non-stick surface when properly seasoned. Most of the skillets come with instructions on how to season them. You can also get them preseasoned. Just read the directions. And yes, some cookware needs instructions.
  • 1 cookie sheet – in case you want to make cookies, bake a pizza or need a big pan to put under a pie.
  • 1 Pyrex or equivalent 9×13 pan and one of the same in a square version – 8×8 or 9×9. For cakes, brownies, or casseroles.
  • 1 covered casserole dish. This really isn’t a must, but it’s convenient to have. In a pinch, use the Pyrex pans and cover with foil. But a big round or oval deep casserole dish is nice to have around.
  • A Pyrex or ceramic pie plate.
  • Measuring cups and spoons, including a two cup Pyrex measuring pitcher.
  • A cheese grater.
  • A microplane zester – may seem like a splurge to some, but it makes grating fresh ginger, nutmeg, and parmesan cheese a snap.
  • A carrot peeler.
  • A rolling pin. Yeah, you can use a wine bottle in a pinch, but they aren’t expensive. And yes, Mia, you will be learning to bake a pie.
  • Knives – chefs, paring, and serrated bread knife to start. Splurge and get good ones. And have them professionally sharpened periodically. You can get this done at knife stores, as well as some kitchen stores and even grocery stores. Ask the butcher in your market if they’ll do it for you.
  • A silicone spatula, a wooden spatula, a wooden spoon, a pair of tongs. You can do without all of these. But they sure make things easier.
  • A couple of cutting boards – one for meat, one for veg. I like the wood ones best.
  • A roll of baking parchment. Have someone buy you a Silpat, too. These are non-stick pads that go in the oven and can be reused. They cost about $20 each, but they’re great to have.
  • A blender, food processor, or stick blender – you need these things to help make smooth soups. If you are going to buy one and only one, get a food processor. Or get your mom’s old one and tell your dad to buy her a new one for her birthday.

This will be plenty to get you started. You might have some of this. You might need some. Don’t worry about buying it all at once. And you can always come cook at my house.

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