Things doctors (and nurses) should never do

I’m going to start a list, compiled from my much-too-frequent interactions with physicians and other healthcare professionals, of things that these professionals say and do that they probably shouldn’t. Some sound funny, but are still potentially problematic. * When you go see your OB/GYN before becoming sexually active after a break, and you ask the…

Diary of an Unfit Mother

Note: This blog post is adapted from one I wrote for my trainer, Ja’Warren Hooker, a former Olympic sprinter who enjoys making me sweat. I don’t love exercise. Growing up, my friends and I referred to it as “The E Word”. I like the way I feel afterwards, but the whole process of being sore…

Facing down the truth

And hating it anyway It’s been more than a decade since I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. It’s a disease that people often confuse with osteoarthritis because they both impact the joints and can lead to debilitating disability. And they both have the word arthritis in them. But my version is an autoimmune disease that…